Sunday, 18 July 2010

July 18

Auntie Peg turned 80 on Friday, so last night we all went to celebrate!

Saturday, 17 July 2010

July 17

Elko's official prom picture.. (or at least a scan thereof)...

Tuesday, 13 July 2010

July 13

Playtime with the dogs is great fun!

July 12

The shop where the cufflinks for Andy, Elko and Matthew came from for our wedding last year: ASD jewellers ( in Castleton.

The cufflinks are made with Blue John Stone:

July 11

Not worth the entrance fee :(

July 10

Baby Guinea Fowl.... soo cute!

July 9

Summertime personified!

Thursday, 8 July 2010

July 8

The bright pink rosebush is definitely an attention grabber, and just stunning to see.

The rose over the archway was not there last year: we stuck the arch in the ground and draped a rose bush over it, and hoped for the best. That was at the end of the autumn last year, and now look at it! It's gorgeous!

July 7


July 6

The rose and the 'hebe' are joining forces in this display of colour

July 5

Promise of things to come...

July 4

Modern togetherness!

July 3

July 2


July 1

The announcement:

The event: